Description About National Monument (MONAS)

It was built to commemorate the resistance and struggle of the people of Indonesia to gain independence from Dutch colonialism, which houses the first red-and-white flag flown at the Proclamation of Independence on 17 August 1945. This flag has now become threadbare, and so nowadays on Independence Day ceremonies, the original flag is taken out but only to accompany the replica flag to be flown in front of the Merdeka Palace. Monas began construction in August 1959. Overall building designed by the architects Monas Indonesia, Sudarsono, Frederich Silaban and Ir. Rooseno. On August 17, 1961, the monument was inaugurated by President Soekarno. And opened to the public since July 12, 1975.
At the top there is a cup that is topped with a bronze flame height of 17 meters and a diameter of 6 meters with a weight of 14.5 tons. This flame coated gold weighing 35 kg. Top court breadth of 11×11 m. To reach the top court, visitors can use the elevator to travel about 3 minutes long. All around there are stair lifts emergency. From the top of the monument, visitors can see the skyscrapers buildings in the city. Even if the air is clear, visitors can see Mount Salak in West Java and the Java Sea to the Thousand Islands. Under the court of the extent of 45×45 m. Height of the base under the Monument to the court 17 meters. In this section visitors can see Monument Park which is a beautiful city forest.

At the bottom of the monument there is a large room that is the National Museum. Height is 8 feet. This museum displays the history of the struggle of the Indonesian nation. This comprehensive museum is 80×80 m. On the fourth side of the museum there are 12 dioramas (show window) that displays the history of Indonesia from the era of kingdoms Indonesian nation ancestors until G30S PKI. The monument and the museum is open daily from 08.00 – 15.00 Western Indonesia Time, everyday throughout the week, except for the last Monday of each month, when the monument is closed.

Nama                 Nancy Olivia & Rini Astuti Simangunsong
NPM                  25212228 & 26212410
Kelas                  3EB19
Mata Kuliah     Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 #